What Can Happen If You Don’t Get an In-Person Moving Quote
Moving quote horror stories for those given online or over the phone are a dime a dozen. A quick Google search might surprise you with how many horror stories are out there. It is simply not worth it to get a moving quote any other way than in-person.
Consider the following scenario. Derek chats online with a moving company that has a great website and looks reputable. To determine a moving quote for him, they ask him how many square feet his house is, how many rooms it has, and if it is more than one story. From there they may ask him how many pieces of furniture and how many boxes he estimates he will have to move. Then the company emails him a contract to sign and return that should specify the numbers he gave them.
Fast forward to moving day. The movers arrive at Derek’s house. Now that Derek is done packing, he realizes that he underestimated the number of boxes he would have by at least twenty-five. But, at the price the moving company already offered per box, he knows it will still be affordable.
When the movers start loading up the moving truck and do inventory, they make a note that there are twenty-five extra boxes and several extra pieces of furniture that were not included in the original quote. They then calculate a different moving day price for the extra items and add it to the bill.
Unfortunately, because of the extra items that were not accounted for in the original quote, Derek’s belongings do not all fit in the moving truck and will require an extra vehicle for transport – if they can find one that is available.
At this point, Derek is now going to have to pay for an additional moving vehicle because of the original inaccurate estimate and will also have to pay a different and more exorbitant price for the additional boxes he had not planned on having.
All the savings Derek thought he would be getting with his coupon and online quote are completely gone and then some after adding in the more costly moving day prices and the cost of another moving truck. Even worse, if another moving truck is not available, the move may have to be postponed.
Perhaps the most disheartening thing about this situation is that these miscalculations could have been avoided by enlisting the help of a reputable moving company that provided moving quotes in person. This illustration is a perfect example of why an in-person moving quote is vital.